Database updated: 26 July 2024

Safety Information

Medsafe Online Recall Database

Detail of Recall

Type of Product:Medicine
Medsafe Reference:21215
Brand Name:EpiPen
Dose Form/Strength:Solution for injection 1 mg/mL
Affected:5FA665 and 5FA6652
Recalling Organisation:Viatris Limited
2B George Bourke Drive
Mt. Wellington
Auckland 1060
Contact Information:0800 579 811
Manufacturer:Meridian Medical Technologies Inc
Issue:This recall is being undertaken as a precautionary measure due to the potential that these devices may contain a defective part that may result in the device failing to activate or requiring increased force to activate.
Recall action type:Recall
Recall action:Recall
Level of recall:Public Recall
Date Commenced:22/3/2017
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