Database updated: 26 July 2024

Safety Information

Medsafe Online Recall Database

Detail of Recall

Type of Product:Device
Medsafe Reference:29808
Brand Name:CareSens KetoSens Test Strip
Affected: Batch UJ03PBXNG, expiry July 2023
Software version:
Recalling Organisation:Pharmaco (NZ) Ltd
Level 1
4 Fisher Crescent
Mt Wellington
Contact Information:0800 804 079
Manufacturer:i-Sens Inc
Issue:The supplier is recalling one batch of KetoSens Test Strips (batch UJ03PBXNG) it has been determined to give false readings and may give patients' blood ketone results higher than the actual ketone levels.
Recall action type:Recall
Recall action:Product to be returned to supplier
Level of recall:Public Recall
Date Commenced:31/8/2022
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