Database updated: 17 January 2025

Safety Information

Medsafe Online Recall Database

Detail of Recall

Type of Product:Device
Medsafe Reference:28825
Brand Name:ENT - NIM EMG Endotracheal Tubes
Model:Multiple serial numbers
Software version:
Recalling Organisation:Medtronic New Zealand Limited
Unit 16 Mezzanine Level
5 Gloucester Park Road
Contact Information:0800 377 807
Manufacturer:Medtronic Xomed
Issue:The manufacturer has received complaint reports from customers experiencing issues with the Trivantage EMG Tubes during use. Reported issues include users:
Experiencing difficulty passing the Electrode Check on the NIM Mainframe immediately after intubating the patient
Losing the connection between the EMG Tube and the Mainframe during a procedure, resulting in an Electrode Off, Lead Off, or Channel Not Reading error message on the NIM console screen and the inability to proceed with nerve monitoring
Receiving excess signal noise from the NIM console due to lead-off issues.
Recall action type:Recall
Recall action:Product to be returned to supplier
Level of recall:Healthcare Professional
Date Commenced:13/1/2022
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