Published: 6 September 2013


Reminder: Electronic Adverse Reaction Reporting Tool

This article is more than five years old. Some content may no longer be current.

Prescriber Update 34(3):35
September 2013

In 2009, Medsafe launched the electronic adverse reaction reporting tool to help reduce barriers to reporting in New Zealand.

The system is now installed in over 95% of GP practices throughout New Zealand and is integrated into GP Practice Management Systems. A recent review of the system identified that close to half of all reports received from GPs are now submitted using this electronic tool.

When the reporting form is opened in the GP’s Practice Management Systems, the tool automatically pre-populates the patient’s medical history, medicine history and provides an option to include laboratory results. If the report involves a vaccine, details such as batch number and date of administration are included. Once a description of the reaction is entered, the report is sent directly to the Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM) via a secure electronic pathway.

This system is one of the first in the world to significantly reduce the data entry required for reports and deliver direct electronic reporting of adverse reactions to GPs.

Medsafe hopes the use of this tool will continue to increase the number of adverse reactions reported. In addition, providing more detailed information such as laboratory results helps the clinicians reviewing the reports to determine whether the medicine may have caused the reaction.

Further information about the electronic adverse reaction reporting tool can be obtained from the Best Practice Advocacy Centre, who is contracted to maintain the system.

Although this system is currently only available to General Practice, Medsafe hopes to expand access to other groups, such as community pharmacy, in the future.

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