Published: 8 December 2016


MARC’s Remarks: September 2016 Meeting

This article is more than five years old. Some content may no longer be current.

Prescriber Update 37(4): 55
December 2016

The Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee (MARC) met on 8 September 2016 to discuss a number of medicine-related safety issues.

The MARC discussed the safety of metformin use in pregnancy. The MARC considered that the data sheets should describe the benefits and risks of harm of using metformin in pregnancy. This will enable healthcare professionals to make an educated decision when prescribing metformin to pregnant women. Likewise, the MARC considered that consumers should have access to consumer-specific information that explains the risks and benefits of treatment with metformin during pregnancy.

The MARC discussed the use of fluconazole in pregnancy. This will be further discussed at a future meeting when more information becomes available.

The MARC discussed Medsafe’s proposed monitoring and communication for the National Immunisation Schedule change to Gardasil 9 as a two-dose schedule and considered this to be adequate. Further information on Gardasil 9 can be found in this edition of Prescriber Update:

Finally, the MARC reviewed the available information on the possible risk of hepatitis B reactivation with direct-acting antivirals for hepatitis C. The MARC recommended that healthcare professionals be advised of this risk. Further information can be found in this edition of Prescriber Update:

Further information on this meeting can be found on the Medsafe website (

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